
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Heart Healthy Berry Smoothie Recipe

 What was I thinking last May signing a lease on an apartment without air conditioning???

Oh, right.  That I'm a poor grad student who wasn't willing to shell out the extra couple hundred a month.  I guess I didn't have much of a choice.

That being said, I've been coming up with some pretty creative ways to stay cool, and turning on the stove is a major no-no.  But it's still important for me to get in enough nutrition during the day.  Insert delicious frozen smoothie here.

It's got Soluble Fiber to lower cholesterol.  Insoluble Fiber to promote a healthy GI tract and keep you regular.  Omega 3's and Antioxidants for heart health and to reduce inflammation.  And the optimal carb to protein ratio for exercise recovery.

This bad girl (it's a girl because it's purple.  duh.) will fill you up while cooling you down, but it's still light enough for a summer meal.

1/2 frozen medium banana
1/2 cup frozen mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries... etc.)
1 cup light vanilla soymilk
1/4 cup old-fashioned oats
1 Tbsp chia seeds

Directions: Add all to your ingredients except chia seeds to a single-serve blender, like my Cuisinart model that I professed my love for in this Black Bean Brownie post, and blend on high until smooth.  Then, stir in chia seeds and enjoy!

Here's the nutrition breakdown courtesy of MyFitnessPal:

This is a great meal replacement, and it's way "cleaner" than varieties you might buy at the grocery store with additives and preservatives.  You could also assemble the ingredients at the beginning of the week in a zip-loc bag and leave them in the freezer for easy assembly in the morning.  This can also be made with a dollop of yogurt or cottage cheese for a little extra prooooteeeiiinnnn (say in a growly, man-ish, voice).  Hope you enjoy!

If you try this, let me know what you think in the comments section! 
Or share any variations you've made!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Life Lately and Chia Pudding

Hey all!

I know I always apologize for being MIA...

This week and last week were awesome.  I've been in a low-key rotation in my internship, so I had plenty of "me-time" to get back into my exercise routine!

I went to three cycling classes, one yoga class, ran, and also ellipti-sized one day (derrr it's a word okay?).  I've never been to an actual yoga class before, but I watched this video and thought it was so great I wanted to give it a shot outside of my apartment.  I don't have the greatest mattress, so my back has been really messed up lately.  The last move in the video really lengthens the back.  Do it right after you wake up and you'll be wide awake, energized, and ready for your first cup of joe!

The cycling classes I go to are at 1-2-1 Fitness.  Love them.  The instructors are there to teach that specific class, so they're super knowledgeable and passionate.  I'm always a sweaty mess by the time I leave.  And my backside hurts a lot the next day.  TMI? okay. Word on the street is they're getting new bikes soon (THANK YOU anonymous donor) so hopefully that last issue will clear up relatively quickly.  

I wanted to introduce you all to my new favorite snack... Chia Pudding.  Heck yes.

Maybe you all know about this already.  I feel like I might be behind the curve, but that's pretty typical for me.

Basically, mix 3 Tbsp of chia seeds with 1 cup light vanilla soymilk.  Let sit for a few hours, until the chia seeds expand.  Stir occasionally if you so choose.  I've been eating it plain, but you can add extra toppings mix-ins if you like.  Unsweetened coconut would be amazinngggg or any 100% jam or fresh fruits.  Maybe even cocoa powder.  The options are endless, people.  In my opinion, it tastes a little bit like rice pudding... maybe not as sweet, but you get similar texture.

These things absolutely live up to their reputation as a nutritional "superfood" and I do not tend to throw that word around lightly.  All of the carbohydrate comes from fiber which is more difficult for the body to digest, leading to a healthier GI tract, improved blood glucose control, and healthy cholesterol levels.  With healthy fats and a little protein... you really can't go wrong.  And because they form a "gel", they are said to help keep the body hydrated.  Enjoy for breakfast, snack, or dessert!

This recipe makes two servings... here is the nutrition breakdown courtesy of MyFitnessPal:


Sunday, June 16, 2013

A runner is... bored.

I told you it would happen.  I get all hyped up about running and then I just get... bored.  I've repeated week 1 for the last few weeks (yes, I know I fell off the planet, but I have actually been working out).  

It's not that it's too hard.  I actually do think I like running a lot more now than previously, now that I know I can do it.  It's just that I can't do the same thing five days a week.  Blast.

Also, I found that while I used to like to run on the treadmill... I now despise it.

I learned that I CAN run.  And I will continue to, maybe just not with this exact training plan.  More on occasion and less of a structured schedule.

I blame Pinterest.

After all, I was perfectly content with running until I found all of these other great exercises and pinned them to my fitness board.

I'm more motivated by strong, toned women.  Sure, these women can run a few miles here and there, but they don't limit their training to one exercise.

I know it sounds like I'm making excuses...  but truly, it's not good for your body to stick to one thing all the time, right?  Part of my degree is in fitness and I'm asking that legitimate question... feel free to answer.  

I miss the classes at my gym.  I love cycling, hips, buns and thighs, and I'm itching to try yoga after one 30 minute video. 

Okay, people.  I'm done trying to justify the fact that I don't feel the need to run more than a few miles at a time.  I'd love to work up to five.  Beyond that... long hair don't care.

On that note, I no longer have long hair.  Chopped it while I was home.

I know, you can't even tell.  It was six inches longer, but nobody even noticed when I came back.  A sign your hair was tooo long!

Oh yeah, I went home last week.   Took off work Wednesday to Monday and enjoyed some time with the family celebrating the life of a great man I had the privilege of calling grandpa.  

I even made this super unhealthy but super delicious fruit tart!  Recipe here. There are no step by step pictures, but the directions are all you need.  Just make sure to use frozen butter and keep the dough as cold as possible to allow for maximum flakiness!  Also, don't roll it too thin or the juice will seep out.  Oops!  Sorry for the phone picture... It was all I could do before everyone dug right in!  Seriously amazing and easy.

This basically concludes a recap of what I've been up to for the last few days. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stop to Smell the Free Redbox

You know, today could have easily been one of those super frustrating days. I still am transportationally challenged... yes that's a real thing... seeing as some super nice Clevelander cut apart my exhaust system and stole my catalytic converter.  My airport shuttle service was 45 minutes late picking me up for the airport. After that nail-biter... My flight was delayed. But then I saw this little gem hiding in my diet Dr. P cap:

And I couldn't help but crack a smile.

It's the little things, people. So call your car service frantically, run through the airport, wait an extra hour at your gate, but always stop to appreciate the free Redbox and let the rest roll right off your back!