
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Runner is Born... For Real this time.

Whassuppp my few readers!

You see that check mark? 

See it?


I told you I would start today!  And I did.

And, yes, I circled run.  Because I ran the whole thing.  And I am proud of myself!  I can't say I've run a whole three miles before, I've always had to take walking breaks!  It wasn't my longest run or my fastest run... but I beat my average.  And that's got to be worth something right?  Right.

It's so true what they say, the scariest step is the first one out the door.   Taking on something like this is super intimidating to me because, like I said, I'm not good at it.  And I did it in front of people.  Eeek!

But what you really have to do is just look at it as something you have to do that day.  Something to check off your list.

Once you get going, it's difficult to find your stride.  I got to a comfortable pace, but felt like I was going soooo slowww.  

Then I realized, it doesn't matter.

And I just kept telling myself that I'll get better.  
I'll get stronger.  I'll get faster.  I'll go longer.

It's all a matter of committing myself to this journey.

I'm my own project, and my best project.

Any running tips are appreciated :)  Leave them in the comments section!

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Runner is Born... Tomorrow.

So I know I said I'd start that running plan this week... and according to that plan today was cross-train day.

Confession: I didn't cross-train.

I went home this weekend and have been traveling back to my lovely apartment today.  

Instead of leaving you with a workout update... I'll leave you with some motivation:

TOMORROW, friends.  Three miles.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Runner is Born

So.  I've been thinking.

Which is dangerous.

But this time I think it's good.

A couple months ago I was out of bed Mama Laughlin style at 4:30 to hit the gym EVERY morning.  But I've really been slacking.  And I want to work toward a goal.  I think I get off track because I need more structure.  I need something like a project that I can work on in my spare time.  

I've never been much of a runner... probably because growing up I never had anywhere to run.  Except in tractor paths.  But one ankle twist pretty much cured me of that.

Then it dawned on me.

I hate doing things I'm not good at!

I'm slowly realizing and accepting that I can't be good at everything right off the bat.  So I'm going to start running.  Until I'm good at it.  And maybe when I'm good at it, I'll enjoy it!

I have no intention of running a marathon or anything crazy like that.  Maybe someday I'll change my mind, but running for hours and hours on end just doesn't sound like a motivating goal for me.  For now, I'm going to aim for a half, but since a 5k is challenging, I'll be happy if this plan gets me past that point.

I'd really love it if anyone wants to do it with me!  Friend me on MyFitnessPal or follow me on Bloglovin' by clicking the button at the right and leave your updates in the comments section!

I'll start next week and use this plan from Fitness Magazine.  Just click the "download the training plan here" link to open the .pdf file.  They also have tons of other useful tips for runners you can find while browsing their site!

I plan to post regular updates and motivation here!  Wish me luck and I hope you join me!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Your Grandma's Cucumber Sandwiches

I thought about naming this post "Not Your Grandma's Cucumber Sandwiches".

But that would just be a lie.  And I don't lie about cucumber sandwiches.

It's gotten prettyyy warm out there, which means I am more than reluctant to turn on my stove.  And that's fine, because there are sooo many good veggies in season that are amazing raw!

Like cucumbers!  Do you see where I'm going with this?

Everyone has their own way of making these, but I learned from my grandma.  And she will tell you that her way is the "right" way.  Just like her way of making taco salads is the "right" way.  God forbid you put the onions on top of the lettuce, you will never hear the end.  I digress...

Spread half an ounce of cream cheese on a piece of bread and sprinkle with plentyyy of dill!  Then top with about six cucumber slices.  Then top with... you guessed it... more dill!  And that's it.  Perfect to pack in a lunch!

I've been addicted to them for the last two days.  Literally I've eaten them for every meal.  And when I called my grandma to tell her I was eating the cucumber sandwiches she introduced me to, her only response was "Did you put dill on them?"

Thank goodness I did or I would have never heard the end of it.

What are your summer sandwich favorites?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shout-out to creeps

I just wanted to take a second out of my day to give a shout out to the creep that cut my car's sensor and stole my catalytic converter.

And also to the tow truck driver that asked me to dinner about eleven times.

That sounds pretty conceited, and I don't mean it to be.  I'm sure the majority of women can agree that it's flattering to know when someone thinks you are attractive, but there is also an appropriate time and way to make that known.

People in this city get so offended when it's referred to as "the mistake on the lake", but their character does nothing to suggest anything else.

And I know, I know, I know what you're going to say.  Something to the effect of "don't let a few bad apples be the basis for your opinion" or "it's the same as any other city".  But it is so hard to maintain that mentality when it seems like every other day someone follows me to my car in the grocery store parking lot, approaches me for money at the gas station, steals something from me, or calls me "baby" in the cafeteria.

And this girl has spent her fair share of time in Chicago and Indianapolis and never been hassled as much as I have been here.

One of these days I'm going to ask what the success rate is with that kind of approach.  I'm genuinely curious to see if it works.

People of CLE... prove me wrong! I'm begging you!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

My First 5k... Unofficially.

Awhile ago (read: August 2011) I carried 154 pounds on my 5'1" frame.

It doesn't take a health professional to know... that's too much.

I was insecure, and lost confidence in myself.  

But one day, I decided to do something about it.  I joined MyFitnessPal and my life was never the same.  It was so easy to keep track of everything I ate and the activity I did.  And no, they didn't pay me to say that.  It's like the Facebook for healthy living.  Join and be my friend here!

I'll go more into detail on my story later.  The bottom line is, I've sort of fallen off the bandwagon lately, juggling my MS classes and internship.  I've noticed I've been throwing away a lot of healthy foods because I turned to more convenience foods... and exercise... forget about it.

Until this morning.  I planned on going for a run, I knew I needed to.  But it was hard to get out of bed.  So I did what any American girl does and got on Pinterest to hit up the Fitness and Health feed for some pinspiration.  Then I put on leggingsand a tank, laced up my Nikes, fired up Nike+ and hit the trail... er... sidewalk.

I didn't expect to run the whole way.  I'd been out of practice for quite some time and before that I had been exercising indoors, so my muscles wouldn't be used to the outside terrain.  If you can call a sidewalk terrain.  It is in Cleveland.I walked when I had to, but was able to run the first mile and a half and run/walk the rest.

According to Nike+, I'd gone just over three miles.  That was pretty good for me!  But I still felt like I wished I would have run more of it.  I always do.  I'm hard on myself that way.

But then I saw this:

Well duh.  It was my fastest because it was the only one.

I never thought about it in terms of a 5k when I heard the mile updates in my ear.

Okay so it may not have been my longest run ever.  But exercise is exercise.  Right?

So now I'm going to start my day knowing that I am now a 5k champ.  Maybe I'll get one of those stickers for my car. HA.  Do they make ones that say 3.2?  I'll check.  Stay tuned.

What are your running secrets?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Lightened-Up Blackberry Cheesecake

I have a confession.

I love cheesecake.

Turns out it's kind of bad for you.

BUT... Did you know.... That Jello makes a sugar free fat free cheesecake flavored mix?

Okay, so it's not exactly "clean".  Sue me for not wanting an entire cheesecake temptation sitting around my apartment.  Tempted: Party of one.

And don't give me that "put it in the freezer" bull.  I'd eat that glorious creamy goodness frozen, melted, or anywhere in between.

You know what people like Sleeved in the City are doing with those Jello packets?  Mixing them with a 16 oz tub of greek yogurt for a faux cheesecake filling.  You can do anything with that stuff I tell ya.

Now.  It's not quite the real deal. It has a little bit of that greek yogurt tang in it.  But I can imagine a splash of vanilla would cut that down, and the fruit does too!

Here's what you need:
  • 1 packet of sugar free fat free cheesecake flavored Jello
  • 16oz tub of nonfat plain greek yogurt (I used 2 and a half of the 6 oz containers)
  • 1 reduced fat graham cracker crust (or you can use the minis for perfect portions!)
  • 4 oz blackberries
Warning: this is super easy.

Like so easy I can't believe I'm even bothering to explain it.

Mix together the greek yogurt and Jello packet.
Sorry these pictures are so dark.  It was raining.  Just like every weekend in this city.

This stuff gets reaallyyy thick!

Put it in the crust!

Wash your blackberries and gently dry with paper towel.

Put 'em on top of that cheesecake! the way the sun came out. can you tell? No fancy lights here folks.  We are operating grad school-style!

Yum.  Refrigerate and enjoy!  Or enjoy right away!

This makes about eight servings, nutrition facts are as follows, courtesy of MyFitnessPal:

Yes I wrote this after midnight.  You're welcome.


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Hey all!  Thanks for stopping by today!

It was a beautiful day for National Ride Your Bike to Work Day!

Or in my case... walk to work day.  Which is pretty much every day.
It's also clean my apartment day.

I know. You all must think my life is so exciting.

Anyways, before I procrastinate do that, I wanted to let you know that you can follow me on Bloglovin'!  

That's what that funny code at the top means.  At least that's what I think it means.

I don't have many readers, but I appreciate each and every one of you that do!  Now that school is over for the semester, I want to say I'll be making a conscious effort to post much more and I hope you all follow along by clicking the button at the top of the sidebar on the right! :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life Lessons on Rounds

I mentioned before I'm a dietetic intern.  I rotate in just about every area of the hospital... and one of the most significant things I've learned is... people die.   Sorry not sorry to be blunt.

They don't die because the care is poor.  Not always because they are a thousand years old.  Not always because they are the sickest.  Often because the mind and body can no longer handle the burden bestowed upon it.  And in my opinion... that's okay.

Now it's kind of obvious that I'm the kind of person who wouldn't want to be kept alive if the rest of my days weren't going to be quality.  If I arrest for more than 9 minutes... don't bring me back.  Never going to be able to bathe myself again?  Adios amigos.  It's been real.  That's always been my attitude.  And basically the attitude of everyone on my mom's side of the family.  My dad's side?  Holy ventilators, those people are going to be alive forever.

It's easy for all of us to say out loud... but we never expected to apply it so soon.

Last week the God basically told us to put our money where our mouths were as my grandpa's health deteriorated.  He was 91 years young, known for his musical talent, love of all desserts, and the cheesiest joke repertoire on the planet.  Allow me:

Me: I'm so thirsty.
Grandpa: Really? I thought you were Hailey?

Me: Grandpa, you're so smart!
Grandpa: Just using my elbow!

Me: Have you seen that bag?
Grandpa: *points to grandma* Yeah she's out on the porch!

I can't even remember some of the longer ones.  You never knew when that man was being serious.  Probably because he never was.  I digress...

During his last admission to the hospital, we all got the feeling that he wouldn't be coming out this time.  I decided I needed to go home to spend what might be his last "good" days with him and possibly say goodbye.

That weekend I fed him pancakes, pumpkin pie, and Jello while he told me about how he painted the front of the house that morning and made pickles. It didn't matter that he didn't know what he was saying.  He knew I was there and he knew we were spending time together.  After talking to his doctor more, we felt confident that any further interventions would not extend his life by any significant amount, and would not increase the quality.  He was admitted to hospice care and passed days after.

Peacefully, comfortably, and beautifully.

I think my dad had a hard time with the hospice decision.  He is close with my maternal grandparents, and struggled talking about my grandpa's death as something that was inevitable.  For him, it's easier to deal with things by blaming something.

Something must have killed him.

Something else could have been done.

Something might help him.

I understand that mode of thinking.  I'm a blamer, too.  And it was hard to decide when enough was enough for my dear grandpa.  This morning though, on rounds, I got my answer from a very wise attending talking to his new residents about dealing with the death of patients.

"There's a point at which we stop doing things for people, and start doing things to people."

Simple as that.

I struggled with the idea of "giving up on" my grandpa.  In hindsight, though, it wasn't our choice to make.  The burden on his body became to great, and tipped the scale in favor of death.  Re-balancing the scale would have involved doing things to him, an action I know would have been regrettable by all.  Even dear old dad.

I didn't expect to get a life lesson on rounds this morning, but am I ever thankful to that attending.

And to you, grandpa.  You taught me how to play piano, be horizontal, and throw out a one-liner without blinking an eye.  You will be missed, and forever live on with every joke we tell and doughnut we eat.

I'll be seeing you.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Quinoa with Summer Vegetables and Tomato Sauce

Lately, I feel like I've been eating like c-r-a-p.

Let's face it, we all have those weeks months.  Right? hey... right?  Come on. Back me up here.  I've been so busy with classes and work, I haven't had time to make many meals up to my standards.  Don't get me wrong, I've been eating healthy... I just know I've eaten healthier.  I went home for the weekend (post coming soon) to spend time with family, and couldn't wait to get back and get on the right track.

Behold.... Quinoa with veggies and tomato sauce.

I love pasta and sauce.  I could eat it every night and be a happy camper.  This is a nice twist on that comfort food.

Quinoa is rich in fiber and iron.  It's also a complete protein, meaning it contains all of the amino acids necessary to build muscle.  Other vegetarian sources of protein (except soy) don't typically have all of these amino acids, so it is important for vegetarians to mix specific types of foods to get all of the essential amino acids.

I'd rather eat this simple goodness.

Start out with half a cup of dry quinoa.  I used Arrowhead Mills Organic brand.

Rinse it.  Easier said than done.  The grains are so small that they easily slip through your fingers.

My secret?  My coffee filter basket.  What can I say, I'm an innovator.

Cook according to package directions.  I added the uncooked quinoa to a saucepan with one cup water and brought it to a boil.  Then simmered for 15-20 minutes.  

When cooked, the grain becomes translucent and the outer bran breaks.  It's so prettyyyyy.

You know that zucchini you see in your produce drawer ever time you open it?  Wondering how much longer it will last? Cut that sucker up.

Chop a quarter of an onion.  Add to a saute pan.  Saute.  Super complicated right?

About halfway through cooking, add a cup of frozen, chopped spinach.

Cook it up.  Sprinkle with a tablespoon of garlic powder.

Add a cup of your favorite jarred marinara sauce.  I like Trader Joe's!

Then, add your cooked quinoa!

Serve and enjoy!

This makes two filling servings.  Perfect for a summer evening.  You can even add more veggies to increase bulk without adding extra calories!  Or add a lean protein like ground turkey!  Endless possibilities here.  As always, nutrition facts are found below, courtesy of MyFitnessPal (follow me).  What's your favorite way to eat quinoa?!

  Quinoa with Summer Vegetables and Tomato Sauce
  • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 medium zucchini, sliced
  • 1/4 onion, chopped
  • 1 cup chopped frozen spinach
  • 1 Tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
Cook quinoa according to package directions.  Sautee vegetables in olive oil and garlic powder.  Add tomato sauce and cooked quinoa.  Heat and serve with parmesan cheese (optional).