
Monday, February 25, 2013

Recipe Find: Buffalo Hasselback Potato

Mmmm.... buffalo sauce and blue cheese.

Reduced fat of course.  Who the heck do you think you're talking to.

I can't even handle the flavor explosion that just happened in my mouth. It is with clear sinuses and burning lips that I present to you my favorite way to eat a potato: buffalo-fied.

I saw this brilliant beyond brilliant idea over at Gimme Some Oven.  Girl knows what she's doing for sure.  Love her recipes.  This potato was crispy on the outside with cheesy, melty, stringy goodness on the inside.  I used reduced fat cheese and Frank's Buffalo sauce, and my potato came out to be about 278 calories.  Keep in mind this doesn't count any oil or butter you use to bake the potato with. 

This would be great for baked potato bar night on a meatless Monday!

But hey, kids, this oven is going to be about 425ish degrees. 
So don't burn yourself.  Like I did.  Reeeal cool.

Leave a comment with your favorite hasselback potato fixin's!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Chocolate: It's what's for breakfast

I know what you're thinking.
"This hooker wants to be a dietitian and she's telling me she eats chocolate for breakfast?"
I'm also addicted to coffee
and Diet Coke.
Chocolate and coffee is just one of those combinations that you know with every last fiber of your being, from your head to your toes, is more right than anything else in the world. 
Maybe that was kind of a lot.
But still.
I've been on a homemade bread making kick.  Mostly because I'm the cheapest person on earth, partly because I have too much time on my hands, and partly because I just like it.  I used this recipe from a blog I love, Alexandra's Kitchen, but mine did not turn out as beautifully as hers did.  Probably because in an attempt to be "healthy" I substituted half whole wheat flour.  I also used two bread pans instead of the pyrex bowls she uses.  I don't think mine could have been any flatter. 
But that's okay.  It still tastes great!  If anyone has tips on how to more successfully substitute whole wheat flour in bread recipes... I'm obviously all ears.  Maybe adding wheat gluten?  and now I'm just trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about.  I swear I'm a good cook.  Please follow me. Hehe :)
Anyways this morning I woke up to ANOTHER a beautiful Cleveland snowfall.  Which I realize you can barely see in this picture... but do you really want to see it?  Spare yourselves.  I knew I needed that chocolate/coffee combo now more than ever.  So I sliced off a couple pieces of that loaf of bread, topped it with some pb and chocolate chips, and zapped it in the microwave. 
Shoot.  This is good.  Sorry thighs.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Oh Heyyyy There

Well hi there!

Thanks for stopping by!

Let me introduce myself, my name is Hailey.  I'm new to blogging.  Like... real new.  Brand new. 

So thanks for reading this and caring about what's coming out of my mouth, err...fingertips...errr.... okay this is weird but you know what I mean.  It might not change lives, it might not be super deep, hey it might be completely useless, but if it entertains you for five minutes out of your day: Mission Accomplished.

I suppose I should tell you a smidge about myself, huh?  I just recently graduated from Purdue with a BS in Dietetics and Nutrition, Fitness and Health.  I loved it.  Boiler up, people.  I lived with a zillion people there.  There was energy.  There were college antics. 

Then I graduated and moved to Ohio to pursue my MS and complete my dietetic internship.  Life is way quieter these days.  Instead of being distracted with a billion things, I've had some time to really get to know me.  I love my internship, my gym, my shoebox apartment, cooking, sewing, and knitting. 

I remember trying to name this blog (because it was about 12 minutes ago), and thought I might go with the same name of my Etsy store, SemidomesticStudent, but then I thought... student?!  Absolutely not.  I'm graduating in less than a year and then the word student won't be applicable anymore!!  And then I thought, "Well... It'll be good for at least a couple more years because after I graduate I'll want to get xyz certification, then I'll probably want to be specializing in this area, I'd really like to get my MBA... "

...Yeah I'm always going to be learning something.  If not formally, then at 2:00 a.m. when I'm still awake reading "just one more thing!!" 

The name describes me perfectly. So welcome to my random, crazy, semi-domestic life.  I'm so excited to let you all get a look inside!

Oh and enjoy this picture.